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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Where from can I buy 3G handset ?


Where from can I buy 3G handset ?


You may buy 3G handset from BSNL franchisees or from the open market.

Will BSNL provide a 3G handset ?


Will BSNL provide a 3G handset ?


Yes, a 3G handset will be available through BSNL’s vast franchisee network. For details regarding various handset bundling schemes kindly visit BSNL website

Models of 3G Data Card offered by BSNL in Bundling Scheme


Models of 3G Data Card offered by BSNL in Bundling Scheme


(A) USB Type MMX 300G Micromax MMX 300G(3) Micromax E156G Huawei E156 Huawei E176 Huawei Option 210 Capital (Option) Option 315 Capital (Option) SimU6T Capital (Simcom) SimU9T Capital (Simcom Express/PCMCIA Option GT Express Capital (Option) SIM Express 7.2 Capital (Simcom)


2 What are the types of 3G Data Cards ?


What are the types of 3G Data Cards ?


1.USB Type 2.Express/PCMCIA Card types

What is 3G Data Card.?

What is 3G Data Card.?


3G Data cards are meant for accessing internet and emails at anytime and from anywhere. Thus 3G Data Cards help us to work on the move with full email and web access .It provides Simple and instant internet access at mega fast speeds up to 3.6 Mbps. 3G data cards make us free from messy wires, Fixed Line Requirement, No Need of Cyber Cafe / Hot Spot to Access Internet. Thus your Lap top become truly mobile

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